Tag Archive for: senate bill 72

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Georgia State Airgun Legislation.

Senate Bill 72 in Georgia was passed through the Senate on February 21st with a 38-15 vote. It is now in the House and you can stay up to date on this bill and others as well as watch the proceedings live at legis.ga.gov.

We would also like to send out a huge THANK YOU to Senator Tyler Harper who was a huge advocate for us in getting this bill passed through the Senate. If you are in Georgia, make sure to send him a Thank You! You can contact him through the following website: http://www.senate.ga.gov/senators/en-US/member.aspx?Member=804&Session=27

For information as it happens make to sure to follow us across all social media platforms.

April 14-16 Mitch King from ASA will be attending the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Gathering in Groton, CT. 
This includes the states from PA, WV and VA and all others north and east.  This meeting will be an excellent opportunity for Mitch to talk to specific agencies regarding their airgun hunting regulations and to seek expanded opportunities for airgun use.  There will also be a strong representation of the recruitment and hunter education-related staff and supporting organizations.

ASA Featured Airgun Hunter

      The Airgun Sporting Association would like to feature you as a Featured Airgun Hunter across social media and in our upcoming newsletters. For a chance to be featured you can send us your story and pictures to info@airgunsporting.org. Make sure to include your name, state, favorite airgun to hun with and also feel free to answer the following questions:

-How did you get started with airgun hunting?
-Who was your biggest influence in the airgun hunting industry?
-Tell us about your favorite airgun hunting experience. 

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